Roasted Red Peppers to boost your immunity

We know that the vitamin C content of food may be reduced by prolonged storage and by cooking because ascorbic acid is water soluble and is destroyed when vegetables are boiled or steamed. But for red peppers, the heat when roasting them will break down the cell walls, making the carotenoids easier for your body to absorb.

Once you’ve roasted peeled and scraped away the skin and the seeds of your peppers, cut them in stripes and arrange them in a layer in a glass container. Add some salt, pepper, one or two halved garlic cloves and some oregano. Repeat the operation until there you’ve used all the peppers and then fill with olive oil. The peppers must be completely covered to avoid the air getting in contact with the peppers. Place in a fridge for at least 24 hours (if you can wait!) and eat them as a side vegetable dish with your meat or fish or toss them in your favorite salad or use them in sandwiches along with the lettuce and the tomatoes.

Alternatively, place the stripes of roasted peppers in a tray along with cherry tomatoes, some green olives, salt, pepper, and fresh basil. Drizzle some good olive oil and and cook in the oven at 350F for 20 minutes. You can enjoy them hot or warm. They are the perfect companion of any summer meal.

Summer roasted peppers

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